You came here so you wanted to know more. So let’s get the basics out of the way.
- Name: Danny
- Birth canal disembarkment: 1984
- Physical stature: shapely blob
- Height: Can’t reach the highest shelf but can jump enough to do so.
- Sexuality: Straight (mostly) but 25% - 49% gay on any given day.
- Favorite Foods: Candy Corn, Corn Dogs, and Club Sandwiches.
- Gaming Origins: Atari was the first system, Nintendo, Gameboy to the PC and mostly everything in between.
- Interests Outside of Gaming: Electronics, Robotics, Comic Books, Typewriters, Pop culture (usually only the dank meme generating kind), small town cafes, and truck stops.
- Current Gaming Systems Owned (in no particular order): Wii, Gameboy, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Playstation 5 and desktop gaming PC.
- Anime or Nah? Sometimes… it is hard for me to dedicate time to pay attention and read sub titles.
- Favorite Anime? Cowboy Beebop and Tri Gun (I’m old)
- Manga or Nah? Usually the cheeky erotic kind.
- Work: I’m a full stack web developer. So I do both front and back end coding.
- Favorite RPG? Soulsborne games
- Favorite Old School RPG series: Golden Sun
- Favorite Final Fantasy Game: 3 and 7
I’ll add to this as I think of things but that is enough for now.
Friend it up and Contact Info.
Nintendo Switch Friend Code: SW-4064-3401-6442
PlayStation Network (PSN): SwitchUnderG
Email: switchunderground@gmail.com