When I started this adventure back on June 1st, 2018 I told myself I’d only do it for a year and see how it went. My mission was pure: “Create enough of myself in the online space that if something happened to me my kids would still have a Dad if they needed it.”

Well we did that! So now what!? Well that is where you come in. Over the years I’ve searched for a different purpose here, even considered giving it up entirely (as most do) but I didn’t. Sure the videos are in a slump in regularity but I’m far from actually stopping. I still think about the channel all the time. I’ve even invested time and energy into this website as a platform for the next big thing.

“… so Danny, what is the next big thing? we sure as hell know it isn’t the gear you bring to the bedroom …” - Everyone.

Well I’m glad you asked, Everyone. One of my many shortcomings (and it is short) is in community building. I’m not sure I’m one of those people that will be able to field a giant community of people I don’t know intimately. I try to make sure that everyone I interact with has their time with me and I get to know most everyone. I think it is important to demystify the parasocial relationship and understand that we are all very REAL people committing time and energy into this thing.

So I think I’ll be leaning into that harder this year. I’d really love to step out of my shell and start live streaming. If only a few times a month it will be beneficial to us all.

I’ve met some amazing people. Made some really great lasting friendships that are now spanning YEARS and YEARS. Now that I really stop and think about it… I can’t really imagine what life would have been like for me if I didn’t start this thing. It has given me focus and purpose when I needed it and the ears of friends new and old (and they are all sexy ears).

If I don’t post this now I might never get it out. So I’ll take my leave.

Know that I appreciate you all and I’m glad you have stuck with me so long. I’m not the most entertaining person on the planet but I know where I want to fit into people’s lives. So I’ll try to always be here as showing up is half the battle.

For fun here is the first video I ever made.

Max the Curse of Brotherhood.

Be good to each other and I’ll see you guys in the next one!

<3 Danny